The themes are nothing new, so it’s down to the characters to add some flavour to the familiar setting. Its origins become evident in its setting, as this is a world filled with goblins, elves, fairies, and other monsters that fit right into something like Dungeons & Dragons, hell, there is even a magical infused tree that has a role in the early part of the story. This is the first time the licence has moved worldwide in a video game.

It was popular enough in its home country to spawn various tabletop RPG adaptations, a few comic books, novels, and audiobooks. Reverie Knights Tactics is based on a Brazilian RPG universe called Tormenta that began life as a campaign using various tabletop role-playing rules. Reverie Knights Tactics is not up there with the superb titles that inspired its creation, but it is still a jolly good 14 hours, which seems a good fit for people who do not want to invest in a 40+ hour game. The studio has released their first game, Reverie Knights Tactics, a tactical RPG, which is a genre the developers have said they have a love for after playing many of the classics over their gaming years. 40 Giants Entertainment is one such infant studio from Brazil.

Plenty of small teams are forming all around the world to make video games. Tactical RPGs are one such genre where you get the occasional big release, such as Fire Emblem, Disgaea, or the upcoming Triangle Strategy, but it is a small selection unless you branch out to the indie developers. If you are looking to find more games in a specific genre then you can always look towards the indie scene to find something to fill the void.