Learn more about the requirements and limitations of GPU mode in KeyShot here. With the visualization capabilities of KeyShot, create high-quality, animated product visuals faster than you ever thought possible. This will increase rendering speed noticeably. The Background render mode option allows you to run the render in the background and continue working. KeyShot has traditionally been CPU based rendering, but if you have the right GPU, you can switch to GPU mode in the Ribbon.

If you want to keep the snapshot on your clipboard you can use the Copy Screenshot to Clipboard option in the Main Menu > Render. You can set the format of the screenshot in Preferences > General. The Screenshot will be named with the Scene name combined with an incremental number (the Global Revision number, that you can also use in your Name Templates). The screenshot button in the toolbar or Main Menu > Render > Save Screenshot will save a snapshot, of the Real-time view, to your Renderings folder.
How to avoid graininess and noise in KeyShot: Open the render window Go to the Options tab Under Quality, select Custom Control Increase the Shadow value to a number between 2 and 3, say 2.5. If you only need draft images, a screenshot from the Real-time view could be all you need. Print Modified on: Tue, 4 Feb, 2020 at 2:01 PM The instructions below will show you how to avoid graininess and noise in KeyShot. Without this important stage, the end result will look unfinished. Rendering an image, animation of a model or even a whole scene is an important step in art creation. In the Real-time view the image quality will slowly improve (res-up). 30 KeyShot rendering tips By Maya Jermy, Pascal Blanch ( 3D World ) published 20 February 2019 Discover how to improve your render experience with our expert advice. The following pages will take you through the Render Output, Render Optionsand the Render Queue. You find the Render dialog on the KeyShot Toolbar or in the Main Menu > Render > Render… Screenshot In KeyShot we have the Real-time View, which renders the scene in real time, and the Render dialog where you can select what to render and how. Best Practices for 3MF Export for 3D Printing.Best Practices for Sharing and Embedding USDz and GLB Files.